Thursday, July 4, 2024

And End

-today I took a shot at

-making me, or taking the power of

-the Anti-Christ, Second Beast, False Prophet, Destroyer, Magog and Gog

-I tried to do this by

-getting pregnant one by one with three men I remember from High School

-I have sex one at a time

-the baby grows to full term in me

-there is a long painful childbirth for each one

-like when I was young I thought I read the mother of the Anti-Christ has a long painful childbirth

-I am in a small room the whole time. So I might be in there for 3 times periods of 9 months

-in 1981 my grandparents took me to New Zealand's biggest city Auckland. We stayed at the RAILTON / REVELATIONS Hotel at the top of the main downtown Street. The Hotel was later taken over by the Salvation Army

-at maybe a column shaped newsstand / secondhand store just along from the Hotel. I bought ALL STAR Squadron 5. Introducing FIRE-BRAND's sister replacing him. Like I try to take these or be these. Although I think the comic company based parts on me

-I stayed in my own Hotel room for the first time. It was very small and basic. Like what I thought I read where the Whore of Babylon gives birth

-as part of this I use a maybe New Zealand made for TV film I watched all of it with others that doesn't make sense. Young unwed mothers to be in the 1960s sent to an Institution 

-the girl FLEUR as in my miracle providing garden. Is shown to a small room by a Nurse. She says the Doctor is away. You will have to give birth by yourself. There is just a table there. I have to press the baby out by myself. The most of all 27 months I am there. The only others briefly are each male. And when each baby is taken from me. I don't raise them

-about 2010 twice I had loaves of paranormal bread. This might have set it up. The first time across the surface of a slice a saucer shaped dip. The second time on a loave that had been left too long but not very long. It was growing hairs

-growing HEIRS. And my sex might have been altered to be like a male with on the outside breasts and a vagina

-Anthony Hay- maybe meant to be in a line of comics like Archie at University. Looks like 1970s comic drawn Billy Batson

-Anthony Hayes- my best friend at High School

-Anthony Hay- a student I think I imagined. I somehow thought he looked like the first Anthony Hay but was the right height, not attractive and in a Middle Stream

-three times ANTI. As in 666

-three times at Tauranga's Historic Village I met men like Jesus Christ

-Anthony Hay- tallish, black hair, attractive. The first time I was leaving and fumbled my bike lock chain and said Christ softly. Anti-Christ. A man looking like Jesus Christ was coming in. He was tall, long brown hair and beard and a face like him. He said You have dropped your hat. Like a Star Wars story I wrote. A band practicing in a home. One takes a hat and holds it in front of the main character's groin and says ALL GONE. In those three stories he is forced to have his sex changed to like above

-Martin Downey- looks like Andy in Friday the 13th Part 3 3-D and the actor in the Rod Stewart video Young Turks. I was just entering the RECORD ROUNDABOUT. I had gone down there because I heard they were there now and sold comics. The man looking like Jesus was there again. I said Hello. He replied BUD. I suddenly felt the most HEATED and DRAINED / DOWNEY I have ever felt inside. MARTIN / MESSIAH ANTI

-Noko- the right height, Polynesian, largish muscles. Built up his muscles to large maybe only going to a Gym with Turning Point a hour twice a week for a brief time. In a Cafe at the Historic Village that same day was my Flat Mate JESSE WATKINS in the Whipped Baker. JESSE WATKINS / JESUS of REVELATIONS. The nicest person I have known. Like the first two each deal with loss of manhood. I tried to put him in a safe copy of my home and make what had been him really an unthinking but life like machine. The WHIPPED BAKER / ANTI and HELL

-like each time I met people like Jesus Christ. That might set me up to be these people from Revelations


   -a long time ago I was using Computers

-at Turning Point / Compass / Tauranga Historic Village

-where they have Programs for the Mentally Ill

-I saw one time there was clips from a TV series never made

-Dallas Return to Southfork

-it had new characters in the opening credits

-I thought they might look uninspiring

-at the start of an episode there was a slightly large group of people

-standing around a large Home Pool

-I have a list of Back Issue comics I want to order from the US

-I wanted a lot of other ones but the above read like


-whose lives might be like a soap opera. Fitting in with Dallas

-soon after I went back to my original list of comics to get

-I thought maybe this really meant I Inherited or signed Contracts once meaning for as long as I live

-I own my characters and product ideas, the Disney Company and Harvey Comics

-the really unlikely thing of imaging scenes from a fictional TV series. Especially one with original characters in the credits

-might say I own all of these

-the Historic Village down the hill from the Business Advice firm where the Contracts would have been signed

-it might have really meant paranormal forces keeping my numbers and costs down of comics I want to get to be practical


-companies returned to my ownership


-where the Parenting / FUCK happened

-I later remembered the white spikey STAR I saw appear in my room in 2016. And in 1990 in the dark came out a dark figure of a man. With a kind of silent ELECTRIC CHAINSAW

-maybe someone telling me to take my list up to All STAR Squadron then CUT it out

-the star and chainsaw might have been set up by my son the young man who went to maybe a parallel Earth or world with the WW2 super-heroes

-the white STAR. For All STAR Squadron. And the Titanic a WHITE STAR ship. Where for a while I thought I might have fathered STAN Lee / Satan

-the black chainsaw like threatening my sex. Madonna and threatening her partners' sex. I would of tried to bring him over in to a copy of my home from the world he was on. Threatened and harassed by super-heroes. But a string of Madonna songs made me think he could lead to me them and they could try something

-today I willed to try to bring him to live in a safe copy of my home

-maybe he set up the fictional TV series clips I saw

-Return to Southfork'

-like he returned to live on our world

-South FORK as in the Pitch FORK

-DALLAS as in my home with all it has in it like a PALACE


 -in Primary Class in 1978

-we made a large white paper stuffed Moomin

-based on the Tove Jansson book characters

-they look like upright white hippos

-I was able to take it home

-my grandmother got rid of it and made me an equal sized green velvet one stuffed with material

-like the Moomin saying to Jesus and God

-'You're Hypocritical Book of Lies'

-recently had a dream for several seconds comics creator Rob Liefeld was lying on me in bed. And the Anti-Christ looked like him

-the soft toy maybe saying parts of the Bible aren't true

-Hyper Critical- like how harsh Jesus and God can be with treatment of others

-You're Book of LIES

-like the dream of LIEFELD. Maybe saying the Bible is LIE FILLED

-whatever caused me to dream I was in bed with Rob Liefeld maybe saying this because they know it



-I used to get dreams of original products

-one was a pair of long sweat pants. Light grey with an about one inch long angled dark grey dashes over them. And the name 'Supre' written on them in small handwriting

-like someone saying


-the SAVIOR. DESTROYS lives like for the SHEER SPORT of it

-the angled dashes down them. Like they cause tears

-in about 1991 on a table in front of a bookstore. Was a magazine with the photo of star 'Marky Mark' Wahlberg on a stage in shorts

-Marky Mark like in the dashes

-the hairs on his legs were fictional. Long, black and far spaced. Like the dashes on the sweat pants in the dream

-I take that picture of him like a method to guide me. And they may be saying by that this about God and Jesus is true

-space might regard Jesus Christ and Jenette Kahn as the greatest threats to it-

-SUPRE as in SAVIOR and SUPER comics

-the dashes over the pants (like STARS) and SUPRE- SPACE


-recently a few times. I must have been tired when typing Posts. When I read back what I had written. There were words in it I didn't remember typing. Sometimes just a word. Or sometimes whole lines. What I had written didn't make sense. This has only happened to me recently. Like some force setting it up to say the points in this Post are right. As well parts of the Bible aren't true

-I saw the PRINCE video 1999. It had the line 'I was dreaming when I wrote this forgive me if it goes astray'. The song based on me. But the way I saw the fake lines and words in what I had written like saying parts of the Bible aren't real


  -I think there might not be any truth to the Bible except me

-when I was young my mother / The WATCHER. Gave me a Disney 'View Finder' toy CAMERA

-shaped like an old Motion Picture Camera. You turn the handle on it's side around and around to move the cartoon pictures

-I had two tapes with mine

-Mickey's Trailer

-101 DALMATIANS- '101' like saying there is only the 'one' of me

-to survive the DESTRUCTION of everything

-the second to last scene of the tape has two dog owners getting married. Maybe to say I never have any real spouse or partner

-the final shot. Maybe looking like in front of blackness. A white gravestone with my initials in reverse on it 'AM'

-maybe saying I am the last to survive

Mickey's Trailer- my home where my miracles come from 

-the Wedding was in a Church. Maybe meaning there was never real truth to the Bible

-Mickey's CARAVAN TRAILER- the REALITY to CHRISTIANITY are REVELATIONS. And my home like the GARDEN of Eden

Wednesday, July 3, 2024


-when I have all my clothes I am getting

-it causes everyone anywhere

-on our planet, space, any afterlife, anywhere

-to be wiped out who want to

-all appear each looking like me

-in a copy of my bedroom forever

-a lot of comics, Trade Books, books about comics, DVDs

-computer to TV- NetFlix, Disney+, YouTube Music, scanned material etc on my Blogs

-all who would want to die too if they knew the full situation

-and I wipe out all those already dead too if they want to

-like the top I imagined or saw the man looking like Charles wearing


-pink with multi colored rods on the front

-when the people die

-in their place where they were is an ongoing replacement double

-and I only wipe out all of these this one time 

-the pink sleeveless top with the multi colored rods on the front

-all things in the room just reform with time

-fixing injuries and damage to goods in my room 

New Jerusalem



-New ZEALAND / Garden of EDEN







Stream Lined ///////

  -in 1983 on a Sitmar Fairstar Cruise

-twice I saw a couple

-she looked like Diana but with a full beard

-he looked like Charles

-wearing a pink sleeveless top with on the front of it a lot of multi colored rods

-from the start of time of the first space to it's end

-almost all went as an afterlife to copies each of my Fraser Street block

-both sides with features off the outside doors

-from the start of the replacement space lasting forever

-the several blocks around my home

-through the outside doors lead to many of the features and attractions of my miracles

-any one almost. Can will to end themselves

-and go to a copy of the local blocks

-and they are replaced with their old bodies becoming fresh new versions of the now deceased people

-at one point when I tried to set it off

-all who wanted to can end

-they each go to a copy each of my bedroom that lasts forever

-where their old self was is now a new ongoing version of themselves

-the 101 people I most want to completely end

-plus any one really bullied from our planet

-plus the list of names as well I want to completely end

-these people just stop. There is no afterlife for them. And there might be an unthinking double left in their places

-Heaven and Hell remade in to one. Lasting forever

No Reality to Heaven

  -a version of me Beast Boy's adopted parents Steve Dayton and Rita Farr who both might have been killed

-somehow connected to the 1970 murdered farming couple Harvey and Jeannette Crewe

-they looked like the two super-heroes

-their photos on their gravestones. Like the issue the Doom Patrol died had gravestones on the cover






-SCREW CREWE- me looking like Rob Liefeld in a He-Man costume. Kyle Lowder in a white towel around his waist. Christian Paredes in a black thong costume

-able to do almost any powerful miracle while splits from me. Each time having sex with males and females and getting them pregnant 



Thorny Crown

 -today I tried to

-completely end. With no afterlife etc

-of every badly bullied person currently on the planet

-I used two scenes I might have imagined about 1984

-a student sitting in the lunch area of my High School Otumoetai Intermediate

-a girl, short, messy hair. Looking like I did that age

-she was sitting on a seat

-a female Staff Member started to harass or scold her

-the lunch area. In Tauranga Boys College in their lunch area are like seating a pyramid shaped steep white concrete steps / seating

-another time that year I was biking home with my friend 


-as in ANTI Christ and Pitchfork

-just along from the College at the entrance to a Park

-she was tied to a tree. With wire wrapped around her neck

-by those steps in the lunch area is a large wall with a large picture of a man's face on it

-a crowd of students watching

-we pulled over for a moment. I would like to have helped in a way. But if I did I would look stupid risk turning people on me

-bad treatment from teachers, attacks or worse from other students is how I expect I would have been treated if people found out more about me

-the scenes were probably fictional. And I use that to try to work this

-and the wire around her neck tied to a tall tree like Jesus on the Cross

-with the THORNY CROWN

-I willed to end completely with no afterlife every really bad bullied person on the planet

-to work this I need where they were instant doubles who I can't kill they must go on

-I am exempt from this 

Lying and False

  -on my right wrist I have three parallel line oven burn marks like-




-the LINE marks. Revelations says the Anti-Christ rules all nations with an Iron ROD

-the FACE mark. A spot shaped mark on the top of my right arm. Like a smiling face. Two dots for eyes, a dot for a nose and a curved line for a mouth. And a chip off the side of it



-maybe saying the Religion of Christianity is a LIE and FALSE

-using the idea of me as the Anti-Christ

-the three parallel line marks the three Tines on a Pitchfork

-the smiling face. God in Heaven

-these don't exist

-the two real afterlives. From the start of time until the destruction of everything. All go to a copy of my FRASER FACE Street block with attractions and features through the outside doors

-LINE the replacement afterlife for that. The several blocks in LINES with almost every place of the miracles off the homes


  -I might have had ongoing affairs with the FRIENDS I had at High School in 1984's wives years later

-Steven Chambers / Anthony Hayes. The two best friends I had at High School

-Brent Legatt / Stephen Richardson. Close to each other lived at close Streets

-Kerry Lockheart / David Eaton. Close to each other. Lived close to each other

-as in RICHIE / RICH and FLYING Saucer

-in 1980 I had a friend over RICHARD CLARK



-I peed in my grandfather George Ager's cup he kept his Dentures in

-there were a lot of Blow Jobs in our affairs. My penis went in like going in to the cup


-RICHIE / RICH. Over years one version of me CROSSED over to a PARALLEL SIDE of me

-I had ongoing affairs with their wives. Fathering all their children

-crossing over to some other place. So me and their wives have no memory of the affairs here

-in about 1978 twice my grandparents took me to the next town Mount Maunganui

-each time I saw something paranormal

-the first time a large RV home sized Flying Saucer on a vacant section

-the second time at a family we only ever saw that time and the only time we were at that home. A Richie Rich comic with a few hundred pages to it. There was never any Richie Rich comic with that many pages

-at a family's home and family we only saw that time

-the FICTION / RICHIE / CHRISTIANITY comic with a few hundred pages. There was never that comic. No truth in the Bible


-TESTAMENTS / my TESTE went in to the cup 


 -in Primary Class in 1978

-we made a large white paper stuffed Moomin

-based on the Tove Jansson book characters

-they look like upright white hippos

-I was able to take it home

-my grandmother got rid of it and made me an equal sized green velvet one stuffed with material

-like the Moomin saying to Jesus and God

-'You're Hypocritical Book of Lies'

-in 1978 in class we made a large, white, paper stuffed Moomin. Like the Tove Jansson characters

-that look like white upright hippos

-I was able to have it

-I took it home

-my grandmother got rid of it

-and made me a same sized green velvet material stuffed one

-if alive maybe it was saying to God. And Jesus especially 




-saying what I wrote about lies in the Bible and their true deep down nature 

-that year our Teacher. Maybe named Ms. CHAPEL

-said her father went to a party

-he wore a grass flax skirt / some people set light to it

-and he burnt to death while they did nothing

-maybe like saying I merged Heaven (flax skirt) and Hell (flames) in to one lasting forever

-Tove Jan SON- like saying I was right. I made Jesus Christ my SON

-HYPOCRITE and too when I said they ruin lives almost or for the sheer SPORT of it

-I got rid of the green velvet Moomin stupidly when spooked by a CROWDED HOUSE song

-like my new versions of the afterlife. All revolving around my home

-You HYPOCRITE maybe saying I was wrong what I wrote about signing a CONTRACT. Meaning I have an affair with another man's wife

-signed we must always spend every night in the same bed


-maybe what it really meant is I signed a CONTRACT saying I can't live with any spouse or type of partner

-RITE and maybe the wife I have or any spouse I get. Like RITA Farr in the Doom Patrol TV series can't help but devolve often in to a large red blob. HYPER / FARR

-I used a similar red lump SECRETE on my left thigh to do it to any spouse I get. And called the Post The SECRET of my Success

-JANSSON- JESUS is the ANAKIN of all space


-Jesus has no CARING for some- ESCARIOT ETC

-You HYPOCRITE- me maybe in SPECTRE costume looking like CHRISTIAN PAREDIES

-decades ago I bought a Nostradamus book. It had an illustration. Together in it standing next to each other. The Anti-Christ. A slightly short man, like me partly, and of the original drawn Wizard of Oz. And the False Prophet. Tall, with a long cape and hood on top of his head like the Spectre's costume


Half-God Maui

 -the New Zealand legend Half-God Maui

-maybe me in another life. MAUI 'M' atthew. 'A' ger. 'You' .'I'.

-the two long black hairs I found

-one hair for Maui fished the North Island of New Zealand out of the sea. Creating New Zealand. For the hair on the plate. As in fishing

-the other hair. Maui died going in the VAGINA of a Goddess. Trying to get immortality for people. The vagina. I found the second black hair on my bedspread. Unlike him I succeed and give almost all the power to do or create anything. Up to one mile in each direction at a time

-in the town next to my town. In Mount Maunganui there is the small mountain MAUAO. As in MAUI. And the New Zealand native people the MAORI. Maybe the location of the beginning and end of everything. In Green Lantern comics 'OA' (as in 'MAUAO') was the planet at the centre of the Universe. Maybe Mauao is. And Maui pulled up that first. The mountain might be really the small mountain with the Restaurant on it. The mountain has it's bottom half light green for spaghetti. And the top half dark green for the cheese 


-if Christianity is true

-Jesus Christ might be the main villain of the Days of our Lives series about me

-the WATCHER bought me the PARRAGON Published book a few blocks from Tauranga Boys College. Like saying I am Jesus's PARENT like I am the father of those students

-years ago I tried to make Jesus Christ my son but disregarded it


-the WATCHER appeared looking like WALTER Disney. Like to say Jesus is the Darth Vader / Anakin SKYWALKER of all of space

-trying to destroy my life over and over. Setting me up to look stupid and that's a lot of what turned people on me

-he is a lot of the fault of the near disasters that could have ruined everything forever

-the Tauranga Boys College. In a lunch area. Their Latin motto PERGO et PERAGO

-there is a tall wall with a large picture of a man's head looking like Walt Disney

-Jesus Christ having to WATCH the channel

-and by it a Pyramid slope of concrete seats / steps

-like saying Stairway to Heaven 

-the Fairstar Cruise I was on in 1983. There were a couple I saw twice

-a woman looking just like DIANA but with a full beard. ANAKIN

-her partner looking just like CHARLES. CHRIST

-once he wore a pink, sleeveless top with on the front of it a lot of multi-colored RODS

-like Light Sabres

-sleeveless- like God took his roles off him

-Rods- like God is a backstabber

-the sleeveless shirt- many of his friends and family left him 

The Anti-Christ

  -today I think I might have found a way to get up my miracles

-by someone leaving two Jig-Saw Pieces under my bed. As if to indicate I had signed something to agree to things like a part sex change

-my signature. It has three loops coming under the line. Like '666'. One coming down from the 'M'. One coming at the bottom of the 'J'. And one the 'G'. In my signature 'M. J. Ager'

-the idea I had. JUGGLE the loops coming under the signature

-to alter my sex. To be mostly male on the outside. With a vagina and really large breasts. My body parts filled out. No more bad posture, grey receded hair, fat stomach etc

-and I have really large muscles

-I can get pregnant

-I might go around naked always

-and aim my miracles at the first day of 2025. Juggling in my mind those numbers too

- 2 / 0 / 2 / 5

-the digits reflect each other

-I switched both the letters in my signature and the number 2025 around in my mind

-the miracles set. The make-up of my home set to the first day of 2025

Holy Land

  -the Holy Bible is a lie

-tonight partly aroused. I mistook signs

-and went back and was going to go back to masturbating. By pressing my body against the bed

-I had avoided doing it for a while. And was glad of it. By in my previous bed mattress a fist like dip in it like a threat

-I thought of the boy facing me in the showers in 1987 looking like Dick Grayson with his groin area still getting tanned

-and I tried masturbating pressing my body against the bed like where I thought the dip was

-the HOLE in the bed mattress. Like paranormal forces were telling me the WHOLE HOLY BIBLE was a LIE

-at first I thought I might have been sent naked in to a 'Monitor.' But disregarded it the experience saying that was a lie too


 -I just had the line go through my head

-'It's a song about God too'

-the day I went to the next town by Bus. At the base of MAUAO / MESSIAH. Then at MARINE Parade

-I repeated over and over

-Bop Bup Bup

-each one looks like the word 'God'

-maybe for God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost or next Mesiah

-each letter has a 'HOLE' in it

-like saying the HOLY Bible isn't true

-someone might have put the line in my head. And with paranormal forces behind me that could mean that 


 what I read in Revelations

-the ANTI CHRIST- I give up getting a body like CHRISTIAN Paredes

-born the MALE CHILD- I have the body of CHANGELING instead designed to be the greatest body anywhere


-his mother the Whore of BABYLON- she dates a man like Archie

-the similar DC Comics character BINKY / BABYLON

-Binky BIG ram. Like my first address in New Zealand was MAX well Drive


-I have super hero powers arranged in me similar to how BILLY BATSON's are worked out

-in 2023 I was at BOTANICAL Road

-I saw a tree at the top of a bank with trees on. The tree had a multi-indent in a place of bark. Like in 1985 I daydreamed there was a tree with the same indent layouts at the top of a slope of a main Road

-the tree had been damaged with a split in it

-that day months ago. Like in my original daydream to get to a rocket at the base of an elevator in the tree

-I pressed a large BUTTON shaped indent at the tree's base

-I never thought of it then. That was what I just did

-used a pinkish lump on my left thigh to set off my lists of miracles

-and soon after tried to use that lump to mean any wife, husband or real partner I get devolves in to a large reddish blob like person like the lump until they can pull themselves together

-and without meaning to. Touching the BUTTON like indent on the tree

-the pinkish lump may have provided me with the list of about 12 super hero powers

-Binky (Bigram) a character a lot like Archie but made by DC Comics. In 1989 there was a Mile High Comics new comics catalog. There was a black and white panel. A character looking like Binky. Tall, dark brown hair. He was lying in bed under a sheet maybe naked. With his feet sticking out of the ends of the sheet. There was an old woman character maybe called The Witch. And a character a woman. Called either Yours FAITHFULLY or Yours TRUELY. Looking like Blondie. Tall, long blonde hair and flirty looking. The Whore of Babylon. I don't know where the character looking like Binky came from

-Revelations says The Anti-Christ rules all nations. Maybe like what I have just started to think. My many body faults 

-and the tree's base I touched the button like indent. In my original Monitor daydream I touch the button and go down an elevator in the tree to the rocket. Just over the week the pinkish lump might have caused me to come out of under a maybe fictional small mountain with fictional Restaurant on top of it that would send out my miracles 

-years ago I tried to make Charles my father from when he studied in nearby Australia. And say in an alternative timeline there he was Binky. He studied at TIMBERTOP Campus GEELONG

-TIMBER TOP like the split tree. Gee LONG as in BIG ram

Bible: Fact or Fiction?

  -the Bible may be fiction / not true

-about 1980 several of us young people went to paddocks across Darraghs Road from my home

-somehow a type of Pig / BULL ran out

-the BIBLE is BULL

-the proof is it was somehow able to get out of the Bacon Factory

-it was REID's Bacon Factory as in READS FICTION

-I rose a post of timber as if in defense 

-later that same trip down there in bush 

-we found some really old BOTTLES / BULL

-as a few of us were taking some an elderly man approached in the distance maybe angry

-the bottles might have been small and green. And I don't know how they got there either

-in Darraghs Road in 1980 and in my year at School in 1980 was a student named



-he looked like Christian 'Paredes'. Maybe me causing the fictional religion of Christianity will set up in me an exact looking appearance as him 

My Son is Satan Stan Lee

   -the night about 1997 I tried to run away thinking God said Get out

-maybe meant to mean God saying Get out of Heaven to the first Satan

-my mind rigged it. Even maybe causing stars to think they are trying to ruin my life

-all I took was a clone Superboy Trading Card for an unknown reason

-my son I tried to set up to go as a mid-teens DC Comics WW2 super-heroes world by Posting a scanned story

-and said they turned on him harassing him and ruining him

-maybe he was never a second Satan

-I somehow walked all the way downtown over the Bridge to the next town

-across the Harbor was SULPER Point. As in SUPERBOY and Hell

-I left the SUPERBOY TRADING Card in the ticket slot. He made a bad mistake gaining powers going to their world wanting to be Superboy

-I took a COMIC Trading Card. Like Stan Lee worked as a comic book writer

-yesterday for me I got the last TRADE Me comic I will get. Amazing Spider-Man 87 from 1970 I paid $128 for. Peter Parker on the cover saying My secret identity is out. Above the characters like a large phantom version of Peter Parker

-in 1978 in Class a student Issac 'Basherra' had a comic Super Friends 14. Basherra reminded me of a story character. Like in Bill Crosby and the Crosby Kids cartoon series. On the first page there was Bruce Wayne sitting at a table. Above him was like a symbolic ghost like Batman. Fitting in with the Spider-Man cover. The teacher might have been named Ms. Chapel

-I said those stories aren't true meaning the series wasn't meant to be part of the regular stories. He said NONE OF THEM ARE REAL. Maybe meaning there is no real truth to Christianity

-I crossed the Bridge and left the comic Trading Card. Maybe giving this version of Satan his powers

-the TRADING Card. The collapse brought by paranoia generated of super-heroes. Was him wrecking the TRADING of their world's companies

-meaning he ruined the world and lives of the WW2 super-heroes

-I went down one Street too soon over the Bridg and hide in a Dock of TREE TRUNKS. My magic setting it up to resemble the FICTIONAL long black hairs of Mark Wahlberg. In a MAGAZINE. To tell me I am safe from them

-I continued down to the base of the mountain Mauao. I threw my CALCULATOR watch over the Pier of Pilot Bay. He ruins their markets to get back while they always knew he would

-I tried running up the Road to the POLICE Station. But couldn't run far. Over the first several months of 1985 I had continuing daydream life. I was a super hero called Champion. With super-speed powers. And I had gone to the super-heroes Earth. Like maybe my son did. As Champion I had a costume like a WW2 Nazi Stormtrooper. It seems unlikely there could be an Adolf Hitler figure the super-heroes might fight. The young man from our Earth. Causing the collapse and ruin of their world. Is like the real villain of DC Comics 1930s to 1950s WW2 super-heroes. Like Hitler

-at morning I was at the Marine Parade by the Surf Beach. My son might become another Satan

-really STAN (SATAN) Lee / LIEBER / LUCIFER. Up the Road from where I was in 1979 I was with a School friend CHRIS PILDITCH and his mother. CHRIST DITCH PUBLICATIONS. By where LEISURE Island / LUCIFER / LIEBER was once. MARINE PARADE as in MARVEL PERIODICALS

-I went when it opened to the Mount Library to call my Staff to come and pick me up. LIBRARY / LUCIFER

-a female Librarian was reading to young children. I burst in to tears

-I rang my Support Home. The Manager John Henderson said I would need to call a Taxi. I thought that might have been tough

-I took the Taxi all the way back to Tauranga. I don't know how I paid for it unless the Support Home staff did

-what makes this more likely. I walked all the way to my down town. Over the Bridge and to the next town. And then right in to that. When now I might not be able to walk a block 

Dallas Return to Southfork

 -a long time ago I was using Computers

-at Turning Point / Compass / Tauranga Historic Village

-where they have Programs for the Mentally Ill

-I saw one time there was clips from a TV series never made

-Dallas Return to Southfork

-it had new characters in the opening credits

-I thought they might look uninspiring

-at the start of an episode there was a slightly large group of people

-standing around a large Home Pool

-I have a list of Back Issue comics I want to order from the US

-I wanted a lot of other ones but the above read like


-whose lives might be like a soap opera. Fitting in with Dallas

-soon after I went back to my original list of comics to get

-I thought maybe this really meant I Inherited or signed Contracts once meaning for as long as I live

-I own my characters and product ideas, the Disney Company and Harvey Comics

-the really unlikely thing of imaging scenes from a fictional TV series. Especially one with original characters in the credits

-might say I own all of these

-the Historic Village down the hill from the Business Advice firm where the Contracts would have been signed

-it might have really meant paranormal forces keeping my numbers and costs down of comics I want to get to be practical


-companies returned to my ownership


-where the Parenting / FUCK happened


 -I briefly tried using a Mobility Scooter

-the furthest me and the man helping me Peter went was to NEW WORLD supermarket

-like I might have a son who went to the NEW WORLD or EARTH where the DC Comics WW2 super-heroes were

-that trip took a hour

-we stopped at his Op Shop

-there was a really large white box that was being delivered. Tall, really long and white

-delivered by STAR Movers

-like in the team of the WW2 super-heroes All STAR Squadron

-one of the Movers looked like STAN Lee. Of Marvel Comics maybe SATAN

-at those shops were once SCARLET Hair. Maybe he was saying my mother is the Whore of Babylon

-across the Road from Scarlet Hair was once a Business Advice place. But you had to pay for them to help

-I tried a few times to get Business Plans drawn up for a comic company

-the man I talked to in there looked like Stan Lee. And he looked like the Star Movers man

-so maybe in a FORK version of me I signed a Contract meaning 

-all the characters and products I made up always remain mine to own

-I met the man looking like Walt Disney up the block from there. He bought me the book of Disney stories. I might be descended from him. I might with signing there own the Disney Company for as long as I live

-outside where that bookstore was once I saw the local man like Superman. For some reason with a BEARD. HAIRY. I might own HARVEY Comics. I might have fathered Harvey Comics founder on the Titanic jumping a couple of years

-the MOBIITY Scooter maybe meaning a MONITOR. As we drove around in it I had an unopened parcel I got from my mailbox

-Marvel Two in One 94

-the cover with the end of the Monitor rocket mission. A computer monitor screen to push buttons and pull levers by it

-STAR Movers. Like I might have a son a lot like me. Who tried to MOVE to the world of original DC Comics super-heroes the All STAR Squadron

-like the really large white thin box. Their base in comics at the World's Fair in the large white Perisphere building

-while travelling in the Mobility Scooter I had an Amazing Spider-Man cover T-Shirt on. Like Stan Lee created Spider-Man. The Op Shop worker helping me was named Peter like Spider-Man is Peter Parker. PARKER. PERISPHERE. Maybe Stan Lee who might be Satan is saying he partly gave the name PETER PARKER from that team's PERISPHERE

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Botanical Road

 -in 2023 I was biking home

-maybe from KFC where I was talking to an about 14 year old boy who looked like BILLY BATSON from the movie Shazam

-I biked down a side Street. There at the top of a bank were a row of tall trees

-there was one that had been damaged

-it now was split down the middle

-like the lightning bolt that changes Batson to Captain Marvel / Shazam


-all BIBLE

-only the Revelations parts are true

-the rest are FICTIONAL

-near where that bank was once lived a man I knew named TREVOR Myles


-that split down the middle of the tall tree. Like in my original daydream of Monitor. I went to a type of bank on a main Road and went down an elevator in a tall tree to get to the rocket

-the indents on the base of the damaged tree were exactly like in my original daydream from 1985

-a main indent piece to disappear, plus a few others like a button one

-with me pressing that button indent that day

-it might have started the three versions of me looking like Rob Liefeld, Kyle Lowder, and Christian Paredes

-splits coming out of my body. Doing miracles slightly down from the level God could do if real. Having sex with people. And fighting crime

-that along with things like BOTANICAL Road. BABYLON. BINKY my father. And the Whore of Babylon my mother

-might be the only real parts of the Bible. Apart from references to already Historical features


-BOTANICAL like my miracles come from my home at the 'Garden of Eden'

-BOTANICAL to save Earth I set up from 2028 in almost every home a BANK BUILDING stairwell leading to glass doors with different ones of my miracles off them. '2028' the year of the ROBOTICAL in Terminator films

-BROKEN BANKS / BROKEN BARK. The broken bark like the out of level glass doors

-TREVOR MILES lived close to that tree. My MIRACLES as Liefeld, Lowder and Paredes

-went FOREVER MILES around the edges of each Universe. To FORMER and RESTORED Universes 

And End

-today I took a shot at -making me, or taking the power of -the Anti-Christ, Second Beast, False Prophet, Destroyer, Magog and Gog -I tried ...