Wednesday, July 31, 2024


 -me passing the couple looking like Erica Durance / Lois Lane and an Indian Bruce Wayne

-at Marine Parade at Mount Maunganui in the next town. Just after repeating Bop Bup Bup over and over

-he might be Satan

-Batman's ears like Satan's horns

-or if it was real people he might have set them up to mean the same thing

-up the Road a block was once LEISURE Island. Like I think Satan might be Stan Lee. SATAN / STAN. And LUCIFER LEE LIEBER 

-LUCIFER as in LEISURE Island and LOIS

-he gave me the signals to drop comics I was going to order. Including Detective 485 the death of Batwoman. And Super Friends 14 with on page 1 above a seated Bruce Wayne the symbolic image of a ghost of Batman

-maybe like I met a man maybe looking like Bruce Wayne. Maybe saying not to kill off Satan when my miracles point starts


-I got my Groceries today. Tomorrow I make my last comics order

-the Legion of Super-Heroes 37 issue I misread in the Back Issue Catalog in 1995. I thought was the Death of the Earth-Prime Superboy costing $37

-it might mean when my miracles are up it is like the death of a person from our world who has paranormal experiences. Or the Death of the Earth-Prime Superboy. I no longer buy comics

-the ghost of the Bat characters like above the characters on the cover of Amazing Spider-Man 87 there is a large ghost like image of Spider-Man

-I tried to replace a lot of the corrupt company owners and a mass of workers with robots in their place. I think that is unlikely to work. Stan Lee wrote that comic

-the last comics I added to my list. Green Lantern / Green Arrow 108 and 109

-Green Lantern has powers from his ring from a Space Corps

-in 1981 I found in the top of my bedroom wardrobe a narrow metal ring with the 12 Star signs around it. It soon disappeared

-a chance it might mean the list of ideal 12 super hero powers. 1 power per sign. GREEN LANTERN like the GARDEN of EDEN

-and soon after in a laundry cupboard I found a notebook and saw my mother's married name. CHRISTINE 'SCORINGE.' Also as in rings. Maybe with this too it means the body and personality I saw in HOT STUFF man CHRISTIAN / CHRISTIAN. PAREDES / SCORINGE

-as I got off the Bus by Marine Parade I thought I might have heard my name Matthew called maybe across the Street. Like Matt or a welcome Mat to the home. Around 1987 I went to a Flea Market at the Primary School I went to years ago. I bought a pile of valuable X-Men comics for almost nothing. Comics like Stan Lee at Marvel Comics. The issues were around one of the most important storylines Dark Phoenix. I remember one issue was after the issue she died. A recap story. The last page introduced new member Kitty Pryde. Sitting on the doorstep of their Mansion. KITTY PRYDE as in BANK and Marine PARADE. KITTY PRYDE as in CHRISTIAN PAREDES and CAPTAIN MARVEL


 -in another version of me. I might have been when he was young Gar Logan / Beast Boy

-affiliated to the 1960s version of the Doom Patrol. In the comics he was adopted by Rita Farr / Elasti-Girl and Steve Dayton / Mento

-she might be saying to make the Back Issue comics order I am about to make. The last comics I buy

-several years ago I was in a KFC. The packet designs and colors like the original members' costumes

-I was there about 9pm. My money hadn't come on my card. I asked a worker if I could wait a while longer. A woman looking like Rita Farr cut in and paid for my slightly large meal. Plus an extra Burger. She might have been overweight. Like both maybe saying to buy Takeaways. Overweight like Elasti-Girl grew in size

-I will buy the last issue of Doom Patrol 121. And drop apart from the comics I planned to order a list of expensive Justice League comics from the 1970s

-the first DC Comic I bought was an Australian Planet Comics reprint Super Adventure Album 3. I got it at Farmers (joined to the Devon Mall) on the base floor. The comics were on wide planks on pyramid shaped wooden farm legs. Which was strange so that might be saying to do this

-the first two stories on the Justice League. The MATTER-MASTER. A Wizard villain looking like Tony Stark and a name like MATT AGER. The second story had the villain the EQUALIZER as in 666. And me all over space making almost everything free. And making a list of standard landscapes and buildings and homes

-I colored in a few panels of the second story. Maybe that is part of how I color in almost every part of space

-in about 1982 in the Devon Mall I bought a TRACKER long sleeved top with zip front. Not knowing the design was similar to their 1960s costumes. And Beast Boy was an actor on Space TREK 2020. But the clothes item was taken from the comics. Devon Mall sounds like Doom Patrol

-about 2010 I had two paranormal loaves of bread. One had a slice with a saucer shaped dip across the surface. The other loaf left too long but not very long had hairs growing on it. In 1980 in Otumoetai Intermediate. I drew a large page picture of the characters of Tintin. The teacher got me up in front of the Class because of it. Tintin books are like large pages comics. Like telling me to stop ordering comics. A girl sitting next to me thought the dog Snowy was a lamb. Her name MARAMA. She said it stood for Moon. MARAMA as in MARKY MARK

-it was by that storage room EXCREMENT poured out over a top area of the Intermediate field. As in CHRIST. SHIT / CHRIST. FECES / JESUS. Maybe saying Christianity is not true

-straight after I typed that I came out in to my kitchen. One of two birds that had been coming through the front glass sliding Conservatory door. Like Superboy bursting out of the white billboard on the cover of Legion of Super-Heroes 37. The bird had crapped on several places of the floor and cupboard doors. Maybe saying there is not truth to CHRISTIANITY it is BULLSHIT / BIBLE SHIT CHRISTIANITY / EXCREMENT

-The Miracle of Thirsty Thursday

-I was stressed because my Groceries might not come because of a Debit Card problem. I had the payments I needed sorted out. And I can go to nearby Lunch Bar and Takeaways. It was just a hassle

-like in my Post Memorial Day. One Thursday night I was told to stop buying comics and spend money on Groceries. Like now again. Like I saw a man's skeleton / glass doors lying in a ditch up the paddocks from my Street about 1974

-I went to the supermarket but felt like collapsing with $120 of Groceries on my bike. I was at the Hospital over night. Like in my Post Memorial Day

-then at 11am Thursday 1st of August / Thirsty Thursday came my Tracking email to say my previous order had just been sent. With the two maybe really needed Legion of Super-Heroes

-as I got off the Bus by Marine Parade I thought I might have heard my name Matthew called maybe across the Street. Like Matt or a welcome Mat to the home. Around 1987 I went to a Flea Market at the Primary School I went to years ago. I bought a pile of valuable X-Men comics for almost nothing. Comics like Stan Lee at Marvel Comics. The issues were around one of the most important storylines Dark Phoenix. I remember one issue was after the issue she died. A recap story. The last page introduced new member Kitty Pryde. Sitting on the doorstep of their Mansion. KITTY PRYDE as in BANK and Marine PARADE. KITTY PRYDE as in CHRISTIAN PAREDES and CAPTAIN MARVEL. My name being called like in Kitty Pryde, Christian Paredes and Captain Marvel

Revelations Figures

 -maybe I am all of these figures from Revelations

-the Anti-Christ, False Prophet, Second Beast, Destroyer, Magog and Gog

-I waited almost 2 or 3 years before getting my hair cut

-I now have down the back of my head. One each side of my hair like a HORN shaped grouping of hair

-as if to say Satan's Horns and plans

-years ago before my hair started to recede 

-in the fringe were two natural horns

-like a super hero's haircut

-like ROBIN originally had in comics


-real name Dick Grayson



-when I was young I once saw in my grandparents' lounge a large, old or dated looking, hardcover and sinister looking book of Rhymes 

-it was only there once and really unlikely my grandparents got it. So maybe somehow it appeared for me to see it

-the one I saw in it was called Who Killed Cock Robin?

-Not I said the. Not I said the. Not I said the ...

-maybe meaning I am all of these Revelations figures

-and with this I might enter a new timeline

-I drop plans to make several comics Back Issue Orders from a different US Dealer because they probably use Air Mail

-and make one last Order getting most of the ones I want. Dropping all of the more twisted comics I had added to my list. That I had removed to try to change Hell to a merged afterlife with Heaven

-and I have surplus money so I start to spend a lot on TAKEAWAYS. As in RESTAURANT INHERITANCE


-like the two horns shifting from my fringe to one on each side of the back of my head

-maybe the sex altered split-version of me has the past real father of me. A man like Superman. And in the revised timeline my father is Binky Bigram. The comics character like Archie. And I am the Anti-Christ and my mother is the Whore of Babylon

Tuesday, July 30, 2024


 -I was in the local Psych Ward around the time of 2010

-the low point of my life. But not by much

-one afternoon I got the idea if I didn't stay lying on my bed all afternoon and evening

-my life would be trapped always bad

-like the low point I was at

-like Wonder Girl especially and the New Teen Titans bad lives after a while

-I did soon get up

-and responded by swallowing a DRAWING Pin

-it might be saying both Jesus Christ and my maybe alien father like Superman trapped in bad lives

-Jesus Christ like the drawing pin is like nails at the Cross

-a father like Superman like in comic DRAWINGS

-like the shape of Titans Tower

-that night I was lying in bed wondering how I would cope

-I glanced at a few cracks in the window

-suddenly I pictured two images at the same time

-an original super hero costume. Fawn body, legs and sleeves. Black boots. Loose fit. And coming down from the front neck an upside down black bullet design

-like Superman's costume

-and I pictured the super hero power to create objects out of CRYSTAL

-for Jesus CHRIST

-maybe each was trapped in a Darth Vader armor / bad life always

-the super hero costume turned out to be a rearrangement of genius super-heroes costumes Mister Fantastic and Brainiac 5's original costumes

-both their teams had 'downfalls'

The Second Beast

  -my place in Revelations might be I am the Second Beast

-Revelations says the Second Beast

-does mighty miracles for 40 months. Goes to a lake of fire. And can be identified by two horns

-I just realized because I grew my hair for a long time with no haircuts. It has mats or dreads in it

-they look like two horns. One going down each side of the back of my head

-I don't see how any miracles could be more powerful than mine

-I might have started doing miracles at the end of January 2008 when I moved in to my home now owning it that's garden gives me miracle powers

-or maybe since March 31st 2017 when I took the Bus to the next town

-and repeated over and over Bop Bup Bup

-each line has six of either 'B' or 'p'

-like 666

-with this my miracles became incredibly powerful

-the Second Beast. Maybe in another version of me. When he was young the DC Comics team the Doom Patrol. Of the 1960s version

-a member GAR LOGAN / BEAST Boy

-like I get my miracles from my GARDEN

-BEAST Boy- maybe that is why I am called the Second BEAST


 -the white star I saw. The TITANIC ship was from White-Star Liners. I had the idea I got a woman pregnant with SATAN on that ship. I make the last comics on my list the New Teen Titans. Like they were basing ideas on me some of the Tales of the Teen Titans comics had covers divided in to segments like stars. Like Satan saying to make those the last I order. And there was the time I had been trying to get practice on a Mobility Scooter. We went past the Op Shop where I would have got it from. I was wearing a T-Shirt with the cover of Amazing Spider-Man 186 on it. With the cover blurb Spider-Man now a National Hero. In the carrier tray I had a parcel I took from my letterbox. It had the comic Marvel Two in One 94 with the cover a monitor screen like at the end of the Monitor mission. While we were there STAR Movers were delivering a really large white thin package. Large like in the Titanic. Star as in White Star. One of the movers looked like STAN Lee. Around the corner was Scarlet Hair. As in the Whore of Babylon is the Anti-Christ's mother. And across the Road was the Business Centre once where I got a comic company Business Plan done about 1993 from a man looking like Stan Lee. Maybe Satan really there getting me to sign something. WHITE STAR. As in the RESTAURANT on the small mountain the rocket came out of setting up my miracles. I met Stan in 2004. He maybe having me on gave me the money to buy Spider-Man 2 that I had been wondering that morning where to get the money for it. We met at a MCDONALDS RESTAURANT. As in the MOUNTAIN RESTAURANT

Monday, July 29, 2024


 -over night on Friday March 31st 2017

-I had a dream of a Parade of DC Comics characters in their themed groups

-all of their outfits were fully over them like bulky 'Porcelain or China' costumes

-I was told to take the Bus to the next town of Mount Maunganui and at the base of the small mountain Mauao repeat over and over Bop Bup Bup

-it was meant to send me on the Monitor DEATH STAR mission to launch my list of miracles all over space

-before leaving that morning I was told to scan and Post the different themed groups from DC Comics' Who's Who comics

-maybe two Darth Vaders

-one once Jesus Christ and the other my maybe alien father like Superman



-my mother said my father was IAN from HASTINGS

-the dream of a PARADE and I went to Marine PARADE / the Post called Different PATHS

-the small mountain MAUAO. As in MESSIAH. Divided in to the top half dark green for one of them and the bottom half light green for the other 

-if my father and his planet picked up I got or was about to get super hero powers they might have tuned in to me to stop it and get me

-maybe my father tried to get me but got trapped in a Darth Vader armor and then was forced to work for a Space Army like in Star Wars

-WHO's WHO- maybe meaning I inherited his alien super hero powers

-WHO's WHO- the two of the Vaders both looking the same

-the large Death Star Monitor- maybe wound up being Death Stars. Like in Star Wars they could blow up worlds

-the first time with the Destroyer. In MAYFAIR Place. Like Jesus the MESSIAH

-the second time with the Destroyer. With the local man like Superman named Daniel COSGROVE / DARTH VADER

-DESTROYER sounding like DARTH VADER. Like maybe his armor blows up places

-two Darth Vaders. The two similar dreams I had each warning me against actions that could have messed up my life. Both things Jesus and God could have planned to do to me

-the company man WORLD. For the bike WHEEL. Her dress fell off her like a Darth Vader armor on one of them

-the dream of the actress getting her boot stuck on her leg. Putting my mouth in it. Trying to be honest. And say I have taken small extra money meant for other things when I needed money for comics. Especially me lying and saying I was going to a meal with my mother. Then lied and said I was going for a meal because she had died. The BOOT as in Grease. I once saw a photo of my mother when about 16 with a surfboard. Like at the start of Grease

-the Death of the Earth-Prime Superboy

-my father like Superman

-Jesus Christ as Earth-Prime. New Earth and Jerusalem

-issue 37 I imagined was valued at $37

Friday, July 26, 2024


-I just made maybe my last new miracle to my list for the three Universes Smallville, Campbelltown and Sanctuary Supreme
-I made in about the last real areas of space
-inside all suns. In the new version of space
-on the insides of all Suns. Copies as best as possible to the Island in the first Mamma-Mia film. Run by Sonny robots. Stock restoring. Layer after layer with each Island and area the size of a DVD case
-I then thought of what I thought of recently
-the film Mamma-Mia and the book and Musical that came out earlier
-with writers working out areas of the future
-what might stop someone each time they try to steal my Inheritance
-they will be stopped because they got sores like from a scorpion on their feet
-maybe the star planned by people to try it. She would be hard to explain her disappearance
-like Mamma-Mia lead character
-Madonna / Donna Sheridon
-Donna Scorpion
-Madonna Ciccone
-in the two dreams I had of live performances going terribly wrong
-the slightly loose dress falls off the flirty looking Presenter. She really is only acting an image. Like Madonna's new images
-the boot gets stuck part on the leg of the actress in a Live TV Grease. A film about new images
-I added this new miracle for the insides of suns from the restart of space
-this means like a DVD in the middle of heat. If someone tries to steal my money they become an unthinking robot
-but that robot still appears to always be screaming in pain. So they must still leave the Inheritance alone
-and like the Island Paradise in layers in the insides of suns. Each Island and near area only the size of a 
-DVD case
-if Jesus Christ was trapped in a DARTH VADER armor. DVD Case
-he might get out at some point
-maybe destroyed completely 
-with no afterlife or any of him left
-so maybe while I wouldn't risk it
-it was me and my 'reverse thinking magic'
-when I came up with the idea of maybe the final miracle

-it saved Jesus Christ and maybe Madonna 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Te Mata

 -I might have the same personality as David the Shepherd and King

-I can remember a scene at my first day at School

-Te Mata Primary

-I was sitting with other students on a carpet

-a girl put an ice cream container of crayons on my head

-David's Crown

-it fell off

-my personality / morals have been downed

-like the TERMINATOR did to the New Teen Titans. Called too their Downfall



-I tried to rewrite the Old TESTAMENT to mean many of the key / historical figures had my personality

-so I might be like David but slipped in character

-TEMATA me MATT with the alternate versions of the Old TESTAMENT

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Star / Wars

  -maybe too as well as being regarded as like the Darth Vader of space

-today Monday 22nd of July

-the day before my 56th birthday. And that is part of it

-Jesus Christ became trapped in a Darth Vader armor forced to work for an Army Empire

-today my Order for a replacement copy of Marvel Saga Volume 1 for the one that got lost in Shipping

-my Debit Card won't pay 


-and this week I was going to order several BINKY comics. Who I think might be my father

-Binky Bigram

-Binky / Anakin

-Bigram / Death Star / Darth Vader armor

-maybe Wonder Girl and me were both avoided as Darth Vader

-one Christmas years ago I tried to put my Flat Mate JESSE WATKINS / JESUS ANAKIN immobile in my home in that armor to power up my miracles

-when I had this idea at the time it looked like a flash of a slightly short man in Darth Vader armor with a slight aura of GREASE around him

-maybe Jesus Christ tried taking more shots at me. Like trying to wind me up causing problems for me

-there is probably a good chance held for a long time as Darth Vader and a tormented life Christ's faith will all be gone living an evil life

-the Marvel Saga two Volumes have the first half of the 1960s Stan Lee stories. Most of their major characters created by him. I think Stan Lee might be Satan and my son. STAN LEE LIEBER / SATAN LUCIFER

-the 25 issues have the art from original panels without the lettering and typed captions around the illustrations

-I used to get a lot of products from dreams. One was an original comic panel page layout

-in the top left hand corner an original company name logo. 'A' in a larger capital block black 'A' and under it in small type 'AGER' done the same

-'AGER'- 'A LONG TIME AGO' the start credits of Star Wars films

-the panels. Four large squares for illustrations. Two side by side and directly under that two more side by side. And above those two smaller rectangle boxes side by side with another pair directly under them. These had type in referring to the corresponding square box

-so the page looked like repeating STARS. And repeating CROSSES. Or planets exploding. And the page layout resembled the Marvel Saga pages

-then I went to check if I had bought an old Binky comic already as well as the Digest I had of him

-I had Leave it to Binky 61. From June-July 1968. July 1968 the month and year I was born. It is my birthday tomorrow

-the cover has Binky with a camera and a wave about to encase him

-the old photo of my grandfather as a SOLDIER in WW2. He was swimming in the sea in Egypt. The tide up around him. He had one FOOT raised above the water. SKYWALKER

-I once had a dream. It was in black and white. There was a large 'Monitor' screen on the wall. Like Binky's camera. It looked like some sort of spaceship or station. There was a man maybe early 20s. His sex had been changed. He now looked male with female breasts. He was topless apart from a capital black 'T' small piece just over his nipples. Like a Light Sabre, Cross or T for Titans. He had no muscle, was the right height and his light brown hair in a short ponytail. He had the look of a fallen Messiah

-the time about 6 I hammered the bonnet of my grandmother's Fiat Bambina

-me about 1998 living at MAYFAIR Cabins and Place as in MESSIAH. In my sleep one night I felt hands on my back. Mills Reef Winery owners' home was close. I had thought of a PICTURE on my wall as if the DESTROYER. Maybe the soap opera with Jesus as the villain. Mayfair Place is down the hill from my home that provides my miracles

-in 2021 living in my own home. Over night in my sleep again I felt hands on my back. It felt like I said out aloud I will Marry a few times. Marvel Saga missing Volumes.  Directed at a local man like Superman named DANIEL 'COSGROVE' / ANAKIN DARTH VADER. Messiah and DESTROYER again. He works as an IT man. Like the Debit Card and ordering comics

-like this happened the day before my birthday. The slide of me in my birthday suit aged 2. Just over the past 4 weeks I got $500 of better clothes. Maybe set up for Jesus Christ to go in to a Darth Vader armor. My address then was MAXWELL Drive. As in IMMANUEL

-about 1982. I went in the Swap Shop / Book Exchange. There was a curtain in front of a door to the back room. I peered around in case there was a comic stand I could buy. There was one there. 4 racks with 8 shelves on each. I asked the store person if I could have if for $10. He said Yes. Then I tried a cheaper price. I don't know if he sold it cheaper too. Like Swapping who gets the Darth Vader armor. Next to the store was Naismith and Jones Mowers. JONES / Jughead JONES and JENETTE Kahn. NAISMITH / MESSIAH

-the two dreams I had about 1988 both maybe representing Jesus Christ. In each dream I was lying on my bed

-the first dream a tall woman with long black hair looking like a fallen Wonder Girl. Years before I found out she did. Her costume a full black costume. Black boots. An upside down white pyramid shape coming down from the top of her shoulders. White with black CROSS Hatching / Webs. She was standing on the opposite wall in the left hand corner by a wardrobe I kept Australian PLANET comics in. Maybe representing Jesus Christ as Darth Vader

-the second dream of a Witch. A simple straight long black dress. And she had simple long straight black hair. Standing in the right hand corner of the opposite wall. Again by a comic stand. This one a turning one I kept DC Comics in the US editions. She might represent Jesus Christ dressed like an Angel. The villain of Days of our Lives

-each time by a comic stand


 -Jesus Christ might never help those he especially dislikes

-shown by about 1979 the mother of a School friend Chris Pilditch took us to the Mount Surf Beach

-I found a plate sized rock maybe shaped like Australia

-then I pretended I had collapsed on the Beach



-to the side of where we were

-LEISURE Island as for LUCIFER

-the rock maybe shaped like AUSTRALIA for ISCARIOT

-I pretended I had collapsed like Christ ditches people 

-I might have caused God and Jesus Christ to be created. As comical versions of each other. In some ways really I created them to be border line fools. Some times ruining people's lives. And enjoying it. They never suspect. Believing they have the right to ruin lives when they want. And my mind without willing it caused their same appearances. Looking sinister. Long white dresses and with long dark hair and beards. My mind caused them to look reflecting what I think they might be like. Both of them with a temper. Maybe treating people like dirt when displeased with them. I created maybe most of their make up

-like I repeated by that Surf Beach in 2017 over and over BOP BUP BUP. Christ wrecked the marriage with the BUG actor. And put me in a marriage with a woman like Lois and Clark Lois lane. Knowing we would BUG each other constantly. BOP BUP BUP. Maybe I was set up to say that at the base of MAUAO to show those times he was joyful over them

-Jesus Christ might be the main villain of a soap opera about me. Starting either in 1984 or 1987. Because he tried to turn all on me by setting up a lot of my bad mistakes it caused people to come after me. And that probably put space at risk until I overcome the problem

-they never looked at the world the series was made on. Meaning they never had any intention of helping people there

-the dream I had of an original long pair of sweat pants. Pale grey with angled one inch dark grey dashes over them. And on the side about the knee. The word 'Supre' in small handwriting

-that could mean SUPRE. SPACE knows the SAVIORS DESTROY lives for the SHEER SPORT of it

-SUPRE as in STAR and SPACE maybe saying Jesus Christ with the SOAP OPERA up is regarded as the Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader of space. The dashes like Light SABRES. VADER

-me maybe Tony STARK. The Anti-Christ. The dashes his Iron Rod. REVERSE

-Tony STEAK. I transform any SPOUSE in to large red blobs until they can pull themselves together


 -Jesus Christ- maybe got rid of two husbands Spider-Man actor Tom Holland and a man like or Coronation Street character David Platt (a man like me). The 101 Dalmatians toy reel I had when young. The male and female dog owners get WOUND up PLATT in their dog leashes and fall in to a POND HOLE LAND. At the end of the tape a Church Wedding then a distorted white gravestone shot with my initials in reverse on it 'AM'. When I got my super powerful miracle power. I repeated at MARINE PARADE over and over Bop Bup Bup. Like a row of sixes. Maybe that phase was used to show Jesus was joyful when he wrecked the marriage to the BUG actor. MARINE PARADE as in MARRYING PARKER actor. While still visiting Tauranga I asked a woman in a home like in Falcon Crest looking like character. ANGELA (HOLLAND) CHANNING (CORONATION Street) for money. I think Jesus uses the method with me to keep WINDING me up. Like WINDSOR High the Archie style comics I think might be made on me. And sands WINDING through the hourglass. I think Jesus Christ out of all would be portrayed as the main antagonist in the Days series. A lot of my problems and setbacks caused by him. Not caring him rigging things for me to do TURNS people on me when first impressions are important. My mother's name CHRISTine with once 'CA' tattooed on her hand and a married name like SCORINGE. Maybe meaning Christ has no CARING for me. I may never get real support on Earth. But he might do these things to me ignoring the feelings of my fans from my powerful miracles in space. And I think in my case if people did the above to me these people. He would take them to Heaven because they are close to God, live otherwise good Christian lives. And I would be forced to love Lois properly when she can do what she wants. And I would need to try with God. But because my feelings aren't genuine and deep down I hate Jesus I would go to Hell. -I STREAKED around the block like makers of a TV series about me saying it is Jesus Christ's fault of my slips in my personality. Getting on a bus twice in a month and being corrupted by a man looking like Tony STARK as in STREAKING. And what happened to the New Teen Titans in their comic from the two stories called RUNAWAYS their lives went downhill for good almost. The massive Record Deal I might have missed out on. I now think the top singles in it might have gone on for good. Like a New Zealand actress ROBYN Malcolm showed up who worked on the TV series Outrageous Fortune. And despite my miracles that would be the once forever time it was done. And Jesus Christ messed it up 

Saturday, July 20, 2024


  -the day my miracles became super-powerful. Friday March 31st 2017

-I went by Bus that morning to the next town Mount Maunganui

-at the base of the small mountain MAUAO


-on MARINE PARADE along by the Surf Beach



-I repeated over and over

-Bop Bup Bup

-each line has six digits like sixes 'B' or 'p'

-like 666

-before leaving that morning I was told to scan and Post themed groups from DC Comics' 

-WHO's WHO pages

-WHO's WHO- an exact looking appearance to Christian Paredes. And the same Messiah like personality I saw in him

-WHO's WHO- the list of super hero powers. The first letter of a power the same as the first letter of once special themed rooms of my home

-as I got on the Bus to come home. Off was getting a Mental Health Services Client named Lynette 'Ecoles'


-to me then she looked a bit like the Wicked Witch of Oz in the 1930s film. And like Cyndi Lauper She's so Unusual

-she was getting off the Bus. Like the Wicked Witch in me was lost

-over night before I left I had a dream of a Parade of DC Comics characters in themed groups. All of them in completely over them bulky 'PORCELAIN' style costumes 

-as I had got off the Bus at Mauao I thought I might have heard my name Matthew called

-as I turned after repeating Bop Bup Bup

-across the Road was a couple looking like a 1990s drawn Indian Bruce Wayne. Revelations calls the Anti-Christ The King of Terror

-and a woman looking like Lois Lane played by Erica Durance. She was carrying a Cell Phone 

-the figures break down in to like 666

-Who's Who. Bop Bup Bup. B and p. Marine Parade Christian Paredes Captain Marvel. Mau / ao. 2025. Matthew and Matthew. Lynette Ecoles. Themed groups in the Parade. Themed groups in Who's Who to scan and Post

Friday, July 19, 2024


-I might have created Christianity. What I see in it. Like God and Jesus really based on part idiots with an appearance like that each. The time a Staff Member took as to the Pools in GREERTON. A client said he didn't want to come because he had CONSTIPATION. At his home I was given a perfect ball shaped grey stone. As in the Big Bang. That might have caused the CREATION of CHRISTIANITY. GENERATION / EXCRETION SHIT CHRIST FECES JESUS . The main points of Jesus's life reflect mine. The Old Testament for the history of the original version of space and their miracles. Then the New Testament began with the start of the Church and the birth of Jesus. Stars trying to steal my Inheritance that would safeguard my home. Causing everything but me to be wiped out. In the new version like the Holy Ghost most have the power to do almost anything. The Disciples or Apostles being the splits coming out of me doing any miracle etc. Charles and Diana visited Tauranga in 1983 opening Bay COURT Theatre. I reached out without asking and shook his hand. Like God's hand creating space. Like I said CHRISTIANITY might have been created by me trying to look like CHRISTIAN Paredes. For a while I wanted to be King. Bay COURT and CHARLES as in CORE 

Thursday, July 18, 2024

Bad Boys

 -I might be all 6 Revelations main evil figures

-on Friday March 31st 2017 I took the Bus to the next town and repeated over and over

-Bop Bup Bup. 6 sixes in each line. Sounding like Bad Boys and Bum

-all 6 versions have REVEALING costumes as in Revelations

-I might do miracles in each form split from me

-as well as fight crime, have sex with males and females getting them pregnant

-Anti-CHRIST- me looking like CHRISTIAN Paredes

-False Prophet- me looking like Rob Liefeld. My costume He-Man from the 1987 film Masters of the Universe. Like the skeleton / Skeletor in a ditch up from my home when young. Also about that time I HAMMERED the BONNET of my grandmother's car. 'The False Prophet is ENGINEERED by the Devil.' What I did might have been set up to show me this

-Second BEAST- me looking like Kyle Lowder. My costume a white towel around my waist. Like Head Boy Paul Cameron had on in a Camp. He looks like Gar Logan / BEAST Boy

-Destroyer- me naked as splits all my life since aged 1 or 2 with a slide taken of me NAKED / TAYLOR / DESTROYER. GREASTEST BEST body. And that body is what might do this. As in the slide of me showing me in full standing naked. UNDRESSED

-Magog and Gog- in Satan's Army. Satan / Daredevil. Satan / Figures through the Old Testament. These don't do miracles. And are in the past

-Magog- me as Daredevil. Wearing a costume of black speedos. With baton etc powers. I can't fly and I have trouble walking now so these splits no longer come out of me

-Gog- me replacing or creating the key figures of the Old Testament with men with the same personality as me

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

New Messiah of Revelations

  -a long time ago I read once. Probably imaging it in Revelations

-the new Messiah of Revelations Brings PEACE and no More TEARS

-I get PEACE. The exact looking APPEARANCE as CHRISTIAN 'PAREDES'. And the PERSONALITY I saw in him. PEACE like he is an exceptional person

-and I get the list of super hero powers I have been after

-No More TEARS. I am this in my real body. No more of me having to send out a SPLIT / TEAR of me to become a super hero

-powers- flight, strength, phasing, invulnerable, ground control, telekinesis, heat vision, a beam comes out of one hand that can create things and do things, can centre on crime and population centres, can fire beams from my eyes that can fix broken objects and can pass my body through sick living things to heal them etc powers

-appearance- slightly tall, largish muscles, dark brown hair, handsome, tan, mostly hairless body. An exact looking body on the outside as he had in the add he did. Messiah looking

-personality- like he came off to me when he looked the most exceptional and Messiah like

Tuesday, July 16, 2024


 -I try to create history

-or rewrite the history of the Bible

-as many of the Old Testament key positive Historical figures

-matching me in personality

-mostly the heroic ones

-to do this I try to use-

-a few years ago. Over in the middle of the night. There was an injured bird 

-trying to get in through my bedroom glass sliding door

-there were one or two cats circling it

-behind it my shed and large sign. A Cross and board reading Tauranga Smallville

-another time I went to move one of the Recycling Bins

-it was on part of the ground that provides the miracles

-that Bin had not been moved for a long time

-there was a mother hedgehog and 4 babies under it

-I would have just put the Bin back but back then forces in my mind said always never back down

-next to where the Bins were is my front glass sliding Conservatory door

-I moved the family to the shed outside close to my bedroom

-with the large sign of the Cross on it

-these things match

-like I try to create or replace key Biblical figures that match my personality 

-I moved a Narnia the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe cardboard stand of a lamppost in to my bedroom. Looking like a match. When very young living at 12 James Cook Street on the steps to our front door was a lamppost. Captain James Cook first charted New Zealand

-I put it in front of a large black and white hardboard print of 1920s Mickey and friends partying. I had walked out of a K-Mart store with it not realizing I hadn't paid for it. But I didn't go back to pay

Monday, July 15, 2024


  -the Whore of Babylon

-I was lying in bed in the dark at the end of 1990

-through my wall right up against my bed came the all black figure

-of a man with an electric chainsaw

-on October 16th, 2016

-a distinct white spikey star appeared

-the proportions of my computer screen

-my father is Archie like DC Comics' character


-as in BIG BANG

-this mirrors in about 1982 in my grandparents' Games Room

-in an extended wardrobe over the stairs

-my neighbor Steven Chambers

-lay on me for a moment both of us dressed

-like the white spikey star

-on the outside wall on the wardrobe was a 


-COMMON WEALTH Games table cloth pinned up

-I thought that cloth with on it the Union Jack like the star or the Cross

-might have been set up to mean there is no real truth to Christianity

-the same as my real parents

-like saying parts related to me still have truth

Sunday, July 14, 2024


  -evidence Christianity is fiction

-in the 1990s I would watch the nightly US TV News Show Hard Copy. The Presenter once read the fictional headline-'actor ANDREW SHUE's wife Elizabeth Shue left him for actor Val KILMER'

-Andrew and Elizabeth are brother and sister and both actors

-what it might stand for is

-ANDREW SHUE the characters of Archie ANDREWS style comic line ANDREW / WINDSOR High

-their wives left them and had one off sex with me over and over



-as in I will KILL the MISTER in them

-and I KILLED the MESSIAH. I am right there never was any truth to the Bible. Except already historic figures

-I am like the HARD COPY of God. I do KILMER MIRACLES

-when I had the dream a few months ago comics creator Rob Liefeld was lying on me in bed. In the dream it was said the Anti-Christ looked like him . Two super hero splits that come out of me looking like celebrities. They do miracles too



-the time years ago I was listening to Jesus Christ Superstar. I came out in to my lounge and two rows of Eaglemoss Toy Figurines Boxes had every second one pulled forward. The boxes had see through plastic at the front of them like the glass doors. The Musical Jesus Christ Superstar. About his death. Like saying there never was truth to Christianity. I was living alone at the time with only Staff visits

-another two possible sons. A former client of my Support Home KEITH. And singer KEVIN / CHRISTIAN Jonas. Both looking slightly similar. Keith slightly like me the last time I saw him he was short with balding longish hair. Like me. He was in the Library trying to get his computer plugged in in the Computer room. Our Support Home went to a CHRISTIAN College out at BETHLEHEM. He was wearing a T-Shirt saying I'm with STUPID. Like saying there never ever was truth to Christianity. The shirt had an ARROW on it like the fictional long black HAIRS on the photo of Mark Wahlberg. Saying LINES it's all just LIES. Or (Jonas Brothers) It's all Just STAGED. We were out at Bethlehem there is no truth to the Mills Reef Winery soap opera. And the Library Computer Room like there is no truth to the IT man there like Superman becoming a super hero. 'I'm with Stupid' on Keith's T-Shirt like at times the version of me isn't really thinking. I'm with Stupid. Like a mass of stars and people out to ruin me lose their friends. Maybe like Keith / Kevin half those involved get turned on


-years ago I reached under a garden shed with my sign of a large Cross and sign saying Tauranga Smallville. To try to pull out PROOF of my paranormal story. Like I reached under the sign of the Cross proving Christianity is fiction. At once I pulled out a palm length rock. Shaped like the Rock of Eternity. Like a three story white pointed hill or rock. In old Captain Marvel comics Captain Marvel gets his powers from. Rock of ETERNITY. Rock of ETERNITY saying there is no Heaven

-the high rise building. What I wrote about the DAYS of our LIVES HOURGLASS / HISTORY. I went up a centre stairwell in the tallest building to try to jump off. With GLASS doors / hourglass all out of level with the floors. Cutting in half way up the floors. The time years ago I was listening to Jesus Christ Superstar. I came out in to my lounge and two rows of Eaglemoss Toy Figurines Boxes had every second one pulled forward. The boxes had see through plastic at the front of them like the glass doors. The Musical Jesus Christ Superstar. About his death. Like saying there never was truth to Christianity. I was living alone at the time with only Staff visits

-the time I went to the tallest building downtown to try to jump off

-in the centre stairwell the doors on each floor were cutting half way between them

-the see through glass doors. Leading to nowhere. Saying following Christianity will never lead you to anything

 -about 1986 I was standing in my bedroom wearing Pajamas

-from my crutch fell a thumb sized, flesh colored, maybe like rubber

-MARROW or BANANA shaped object

-as in MASTER of the Universe. Or me at the base of the small mountain MAUAU repeating over and over Bop Bup Bup. Like Ba Na Na. Which I thought then in March 2017 might have given me really powerful miracle powers 

-when the object fell out of my Pajamas I showed it to my grandmother and left it on the side cabinet to her bed

-she didn't understand it

-my grandmother's name was MAY ELSIE Ager

-like the 'MESSIAH' MAY or may not EXIST / be FALSE 

-MAUAO sounds like MESSIAH. Or MAU / AO sounds like Anti Messiah  

-in about 2012 at night I streaked around the block. As I was leaving my drive a woman across the Street by D&G Flats yelled at me. D&G like saying GOD in reverse. As I ran I pulled my shoulders back and pulled my stomach in. Like for the body I want and the super hero powers. Maybe that time I streaked around the block set me up with them. My shoulders pulled back and my stomach pulled in. Like D and G reflect. D and G like I have the power of God. Me running naked. Like me with the power of God, doing miracles, fighting crime, having sex. From my earliest seen point a slide of me as a toddler standing naked in full. I have been doing these since then. And in paddocks in a ditch about 1975. Lying the full skeleton of a man. Also naked. I do these until the day I die. D and G. Me looking like Rob Liefeld and Kyle Lowder. Revealing costumes for each of them. I ran around the block naked. And me running naked that night. Pulling my shoulders back and stomach in


-and evidence I am not married and never will be

-the small mountain named MAUAO in the next town

-in 2017 I was 'told' to go to the base of it and repeat over and over


-MAUAO as in the MESSIAH


-like Phone ringing BEEPS. Like saying Christianity is a PHONY

-the mountain maybe set up to show me this



-like the Phone RINGING like saying any marriage I look like I am in is a PHONY

-and too saying I will never be married

-BOP BUP BUP like for every marriage it is really Phony

-and BOP BUP BUP like I DO, I DO, I DO will always be Phony

-on Friday March 31st 2017 I was told to take a Bus to the next town

-then at the base of the small mountain MAUAO

-as in MESSIAH

-repeat the line over and over Bop Bup Bup

-when my miracles first became real. Soon after moving in to my home now owning it. In one week I had four dreams of super powered characters each connected to the New Teen Titans. And I briefly tried sending out splits of me as each one

-TITANS the Titans are GODS

-living in Darraghs Road too in 1980 was a boy from my year at School that year. He looked just like CHRISTIAN. And was named Glen 'HESLOFF' as in HISTORY. CHRISTIAN HISTORY OFF 

-Christianity might not be real because it might be me that formed all of space and Creation. The time in my bedroom about 1980 the idea flashed through my mind I could create a future timeline / list of adventures etc for me to have. I might have created all of space the point of my EARLIEST MEMORY coming in to LIVE in our NEW HOME for the first time and finding in a kitchen cupboard a tin of GRIFFINS / CHRISTIANS / GENESIS biscuits. And on a trip to the US in 2000. I got lost in one night at each of three Washington DC Memorials. Like I wandered off and created three Universes each with altered miracles. And with that point in 2000. Like I created all of space with it's miracles going from the start of time. In 2000 I changed them around giving most the power of GOD

-I have thought lately I liked especially the out of production SLIM JIM biscuits. My earliest memory finding the tin of COOKIES the day we moved in to our home in James COOK Street and the COOKIE Bear card. I once saw in a TV Soap magazine a cast photo of Days of our Lives. It was a big cast. There amongst the actors was a man who looked just like my relative JIM 'DOWLING'. He gave me several hours a week briefly at a Pub called the ROSE and FERN. The cast shot of Days of our Lives. Had them standing on like RISING plank seating. There was never an actor or actor on Days of our Lives looking like Jim Dowling. Slim JIMS. Like this is saying Christianity is not true. JIM / JAMES Cook Street

-recently a few times. I read back what I had typed the night before. There were parts I didn't mean to type. Sentences that didn't make sense. Words out of place and that I didn't remember typing. Like someone saying the Bible (Testa Meants) is fiction

-like the real Garden of Eden. I once saw an old slide of me. As a toddler standing naked showing me in full. Like Adam naked in the Garden of Eden. Maybe when that slide was taken was the point I first really appeared. I might have been in my grandparents' garden in MAXWELL Drive. MAXIMUM MIRACLE power. MAX the split of me looking like LOWDER. Max WELL he is the actor on (Hourglass) Days of our Lives. And living in our next address James COOK Street. Like the apple. At the end of the Street in paddocks I saw lying in a ditch the full skeleton of a man. Exposed body again. Like SKELETOR of MASTERS of the Universe. Like me as Lowder I have the miracle power to do almost anything. Captain Cook's ship the ENDEAVOUR like Masters of the Universe is set in ETERNIA. I wear the He-Man costume. Looking like ROB LIEFELD. Like Adam ROBBED the fruit. And LIEFELD. The skeleton was LAYING in the FIELD. And from the point I first appeared to the point I die. These two splits might have been coming out of me

-when I saw the magazine with star Mark Wahlberg on a stage wearing shorts. His leg hairs fictional long, black and far spaced. Maybe the Watcher saying. That HISTORY. His HAIRY legs are fictional like CHRISTIANITY / HAIRS / HISTORY. Like Anthony HAYES channel. A student at High School made the comment about Hayes showing off his legs wearing shorts. And WAHLBERG / WALL / Mills REEF that channel and TV series is fictional too 


-I made up the character The Watcher. After I had a dream of across the landscape only small, white, wrecked spaceships. I based Down Under Land on Lidsville. After I made him up I once imagined I saw in Revelations what I had made up. A figure made of sack or wearing sack clothes tied at the ends of limbs by ropes called the Watcher. I imagined it AFTER I made up the character. He might have set me up to 'see' that to say the only parts of the Bible with truth are in Revelations. The RUBBISH spaceships as in WATCHER. Revelations is also called The Vision of John. The WATCHER / VISION might have set that up. My JOHN shows in each form. It is my VISIONS of miracles to make

-ANTS in your PANTS- in 2010 I was in the local Psych Ward at a slightly lower time. One day I got a lot of ANTS in my sheets. Despite maybe not having food at the time and the room secure. 'Ants in your Pants' meaning bursting to do something. Maybe ANTS in your PANTS. I am all of the 'Revelations' figures of the Anti-Christ, Destroyer, Second Beast, False Prophet and Magog and Gog

-the Anti-Christ- me in my real body as Matthew Ager

-the Second Beast- Revelations says he does mighty miracles for 40 months. But the time could be symbolic. Me looking like Rob Liefeld or Kyle Lowder

-the False Prophet- also does miracles. Me looking like Rob Liefeld or Kyle Lowder

-the DESTROYER- I not completely meaning to Destroyed everything except me. STARS DESTROYED OVER STARS plans to steal my Inheritance through my Lawyer STRINGER. I want it to secure me in my home for life no matter what difficulty

-Magog and Gog- Revelations says the are in Satan's army in the future. Maybe me as one version me on our planet. And the other version of me. On a temporary Plate where my miracles were really powerful

-Ants in your Pants- that time in the Ward could have set up me to be all of these ANTI figures. At that same period in that Ward I swallowed a DRAWING PIN. Maybe set up like nails in Jesus


  -I might have taken all the power of God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost -Jesus Christ maybe always out to ruin me. Set out to make me an outcas...