-over night on Friday March 31st 2017
-I had a dream of a Parade of DC Comics characters in their themed groups
-all of their outfits were fully over them like bulky 'Porcelain or China' costumes
-I was told to take the Bus to the next town of Mount Maunganui and at the base of the small mountain Mauao repeat over and over Bop Bup Bup
-it was meant to send me on the Monitor DEATH STAR mission to launch my list of miracles all over space
-before leaving that morning I was told to scan and Post the different themed groups from DC Comics' Who's Who comics
-maybe two Darth Vaders
-one once Jesus Christ and the other my maybe alien father like Superman
-my mother said my father was IAN from HASTINGS
-the dream of a PARADE and I went to Marine PARADE / the Post called Different PATHS
-the small mountain MAUAO. As in MESSIAH. Divided in to the top half dark green for one of them and the bottom half light green for the other
-if my father and his planet picked up I got or was about to get super hero powers they might have tuned in to me to stop it and get me
-maybe my father tried to get me but got trapped in a Darth Vader armor and then was forced to work for a Space Army like in Star Wars
-WHO's WHO- maybe meaning I inherited his alien super hero powers
-WHO's WHO- the two of the Vaders both looking the same
-the large Death Star Monitor- maybe wound up being Death Stars. Like in Star Wars they could blow up worlds
-the first time with the Destroyer. In MAYFAIR Place. Like Jesus the MESSIAH
-the second time with the Destroyer. With the local man like Superman named Daniel COSGROVE / DARTH VADER
-DESTROYER sounding like DARTH VADER. Like maybe his armor blows up places
-two Darth Vaders. The two similar dreams I had each warning me against actions that could have messed up my life. Both things Jesus and God could have planned to do to me
-the company man WORLD. For the bike WHEEL. Her dress fell off her like a Darth Vader armor on one of them
-the dream of the actress getting her boot stuck on her leg. Putting my mouth in it. Trying to be honest. And say I have taken small extra money meant for other things when I needed money for comics. Especially me lying and saying I was going to a meal with my mother. Then lied and said I was going for a meal because she had died. The BOOT as in Grease. I once saw a photo of my mother when about 16 with a surfboard. Like at the start of Grease
-the Death of the Earth-Prime Superboy
-my father like Superman
-Jesus Christ as Earth-Prime. New Earth and Jerusalem
-issue 37 I imagined was valued at $37
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