Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Bible: Fact or Fiction?

  -the Bible may be fiction / not true

-about 1980 several of us young people went to paddocks across Darraghs Road from my home

-somehow a type of Pig / BULL ran out

-the BIBLE is BULL

-the proof is it was somehow able to get out of the Bacon Factory

-it was REID's Bacon Factory as in READS FICTION

-I rose a post of timber as if in defense 

-later that same trip down there in bush 

-we found some really old BOTTLES / BULL

-as a few of us were taking some an elderly man approached in the distance maybe angry

-the bottles might have been small and green. And I don't know how they got there either

-in Darraghs Road in 1980 and in my year at School in 1980 was a student named



-he looked like Christian 'Paredes'. Maybe me causing the fictional religion of Christianity will set up in me an exact looking appearance as him 

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-several weeks ago I tried to make me the Anti-Christ by juggling the three 'J' letters in my signature -all under the line like ...