Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Botanical Road

 -in 2023 I was biking home

-maybe from KFC where I was talking to an about 14 year old boy who looked like BILLY BATSON from the movie Shazam

-I biked down a side Street. There at the top of a bank were a row of tall trees

-there was one that had been damaged

-it now was split down the middle

-like the lightning bolt that changes Batson to Captain Marvel / Shazam


-all BIBLE

-only the Revelations parts are true

-the rest are FICTIONAL

-near where that bank was once lived a man I knew named TREVOR Myles


-that split down the middle of the tall tree. Like in my original daydream of Monitor. I went to a type of bank on a main Road and went down an elevator in a tall tree to get to the rocket

-the indents on the base of the damaged tree were exactly like in my original daydream from 1985

-a main indent piece to disappear, plus a few others like a button one

-with me pressing that button indent that day

-it might have started the three versions of me looking like Rob Liefeld, Kyle Lowder, and Christian Paredes

-splits coming out of my body. Doing miracles slightly down from the level God could do if real. Having sex with people. And fighting crime

-that along with things like BOTANICAL Road. BABYLON. BINKY my father. And the Whore of Babylon my mother

-might be the only real parts of the Bible. Apart from references to already Historical features


-BOTANICAL like my miracles come from my home at the 'Garden of Eden'

-BOTANICAL to save Earth I set up from 2028 in almost every home a BANK BUILDING stairwell leading to glass doors with different ones of my miracles off them. '2028' the year of the ROBOTICAL in Terminator films

-BROKEN BANKS / BROKEN BARK. The broken bark like the out of level glass doors

-TREVOR MILES lived close to that tree. My MIRACLES as Liefeld, Lowder and Paredes

-went FOREVER MILES around the edges of each Universe. To FORMER and RESTORED Universes 

Thursday, June 27, 2024


 -me having a lot of affairs with men's wives

-represented in the boy in my year at High School MARTIN Downey. But maybe really meaning me

-he was one year under me at High School. The right height, attractive, popular, black hair to me looking like a Depression era cap. He looked like Andy in Friday the 13th Part 3 3-D. And the man in the Rod Stewart video Young Turks

-I walked out of K MART decades ago carrying a large black and white Disney hardboard print not realizing I hadn't paid for it. The Disney print might represent The WATCHER / WALTER. Who paid for the Disney book of stories looking like Walt Disney

-the Back to the Future character MARTY Mc FLY

-the FLY that went DOWN around me three times. I was in the toilet it must have got up my backside. Straight after I was in the shower. I was washing my backside and the living fly came out. I swallowed it at once in case it gave me powers

-I was standing in a line at Bayfair where K-Mart was. Behind me was a couple. Once Head Boy Paul CAMERON who looked like Beast Boy / Gar Logan / Changeling. And with him a woman looking like the traitor of the team a woman named DAWN Jones

-three times at the Historic Village meeting a man looking like Jesus. At the gates he said You have dropped your HAT. Outside the Record Roundabout I suddenly felt the most heated and DRAINED I had inside me. Later that same visit in The WHIPPED BAKER. The WEDDED AGER. My Flat Mate Jesse WATKINS / MARTIN MATT KINS

-these might all say not Martin Downey but I have a lot of MARRIAGE affairs

-K-Mart. The Fly going around me three times. Like what I wrote about Mark and Mark set up to stop me from marrying 

Friends and Lovers

 -every night of the month

-one version of me is having sex in my bed with a look alike of one of these males

-they are really unthinking

-some stars some people I have known

-from the point in their lives I remember 

-starting tonight because I thought I had lost track of this list. Being unable to get the list of Miracle Blogs under another Blogspot address

-until I came across it accidently when looking at the gifts of the three Wise Men 

-the dream I had I was lying in bed with comics creator Rob Liefeld. In the dream it said the Anti-Christ looked like him. ROB LIE FELD / I LIE in bed with list FRIENDS and LOVERS

-1-Michael Fitzgerald

-2-Rob Liefeld

-3-Scott Michaelson

-4-Jack P. Shepherd

-5-Jordan Knight

-6-Joey Lawrence

-7-Arnold Schwarzenegger

-8-Mark Wahlberg

-9-Bobby Brown

-10-Val Kilmer

-11-Dolph Lundgren

-12-Billy Warlock

-13-Huia Huia

-14-Kyle Lowder

-15-Daniel Cosgrove


-17-Ben Andrews

-18-Mark Huia


-20-Tom Holland

-21-Jeremy Sue

-22-gym instructor Buddy


-24-gym instructor a bit like Dick Grayson

-25-Sol Heras

-26-Christian Paredes

-27-Tom Welling

-28-Zac Efron

-29-Nick Jonas

-30-Martin Henderson

-31-Sasha Mitchell 

Reasons not to Become a Star

  -I believe Jenette Kahn would be waiting to destroy my life over and over

-a mass of stars go along with work. Maybe aimed to trap me to be just like Darth Vader. And promote my wife being like Lois Lane and having public affairs. I would have to put up with maybe most songs etc like that

-if someone like Superman came along. Like if he was the Messiah. He would probably hate me the most. Based on my life's history. I could get no support no matter what he does to me

-I don't want messy attention and stories about me. The Anti-Christ 'the King of Terror and rules all nations with an Iron Rod.' The Second Beast 'does mighty miracles for 40 months.' And other Revelations figures named like the False Prophet and the Destroyer

-if I found proof of my story but the public didn't know I might be able to go on living like I have. If I was famous I would have to live a life like a Royal. Including maybe having to get married and have children

-I would look like a rock, showing no real enthusiasm 

-I wouldn't handle abuse from stars well

-I don't like the way modern stars look and I dislike people with their style of personalities 

-I think maybe most stars would usually never talk to me. But I would still have to talk to them

-I would always be self-conscious 

-I would feel uncomfortable going in stores. But I would still be expected to go out

-I would normally buy an apartment and have a pair of Bodyguards / Cook. I don't think I would be allowed it. I would not be allowed to buy the home or property I want. I think my neighbors would hate me

-all my family in New Zealand would hate me

-I would have to be babied constantly 

-I might have missed out on the biggest record deal ever and maybe recording my songs I wrote

-there is really nothing I would get out of being a star. There is nothing I could want to spend my money on

-I am awkward and a klutz

-I would be expected to go to star parties. The red carpet events. Stars are meant to hit record stores and radio interviews etc hard

-I think every stupid thing and mistake I have made would be printed

-if things go wrong I could wind up looking like an idiot. I think there is a good chance it could be the biggest train wreck. I could easily have the worse image of any public figure ever

-I am likely to have a hollow life

-the main reasons not to. Jenette Kahn in America. And my ideas my home at the Garden of Eden provides protection, food etc When one day around the world it might be gone

Friday, June 14, 2024

History of the Universe Part 1 and 2

-about 2010 twice someone got in to my bedroom and left objects. The first time in a drawer I kept strange things I found. A black button with reflecting grooves like )))) ((((. The second time when I got up in the morning there were two different looking 1 inch silver rods on my bedspread. Someone probably local left them there. But there is a good chance someone else set them up to plant them

-on the black button reflecting grooves like-

-  ))))  (((

-for the original 'space' and the one that replaced the original one when it was destroyed

-the first space created- When I found a Tin of BISCUITS in a cupboard the day we first moved in to our new home at James COOK Street. The biscuits shaped like the grooves. Captain James COOK he first charted New Zealand. And the three Universes originally. Created by in 2000 I went on a trip to the USA. In one night in Washington 'D' 'C' / ))))  ((( I got lost at each of three Memorials. Like walking through a Warp to each Universe as I created them. The ))) ((((. Like about 1980 I had a thought for a moment I could come up with a list of adventures and events in the future of my life. Trying to make them real. And so then created everything around me, the paranormal events I would have etc

-the grooves. Like causing it to be destroyed. 'D' 'C' Comics Head Jenette Kahn. Her haircut once like (      ). And the Toasted Sandwich Maker. Cooking SPAGHETTI and Cheese. The WORM on the side of the appliance also caused it. And that night I ordered the book Showcase Presents ECLIPSO. And the black button with grooves like an Eclipse. I might have done the Monitor that moment. Like the grooves I go around and around the Earth, then the Death Star and then through passages in it

-the two different looking one inch silver rods I found on my bedspread when I got up. 'I rule all nations with an IRON ROD'. One rod for my rules all through the history of the first Universe. The other rod for my rules in the replacement space

-the idea of Christianity created by me revolving in circles twice. In a box at an Amusement Park and in a dream where I was lying flat on my back on my bed


Botanical Road

 -in 2023 I was biking home -maybe from KFC where I was talking to an about 14 year old boy who looked like BILLY BATSON from the movie Shaz...