Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Lying and False

  -on my right wrist I have three parallel line oven burn marks like-




-the LINE marks. Revelations says the Anti-Christ rules all nations with an Iron ROD

-the FACE mark. A spot shaped mark on the top of my right arm. Like a smiling face. Two dots for eyes, a dot for a nose and a curved line for a mouth. And a chip off the side of it



-maybe saying the Religion of Christianity is a LIE and FALSE

-using the idea of me as the Anti-Christ

-the three parallel line marks the three Tines on a Pitchfork

-the smiling face. God in Heaven

-these don't exist

-the two real afterlives. From the start of time until the destruction of everything. All go to a copy of my FRASER FACE Street block with attractions and features through the outside doors

-LINE the replacement afterlife for that. The several blocks in LINES with almost every place of the miracles off the homes

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-several weeks ago I tried to make me the Anti-Christ by juggling the three 'J' letters in my signature -all under the line like ...