Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Stream Lined ///////

  -in 1983 on a Sitmar Fairstar Cruise

-twice I saw a couple

-she looked like Diana but with a full beard

-he looked like Charles

-wearing a pink sleeveless top with on the front of it a lot of multi colored rods

-from the start of time of the first space to it's end

-almost all went as an afterlife to copies each of my Fraser Street block

-both sides with features off the outside doors

-from the start of the replacement space lasting forever

-the several blocks around my home

-through the outside doors lead to many of the features and attractions of my miracles

-any one almost. Can will to end themselves

-and go to a copy of the local blocks

-and they are replaced with their old bodies becoming fresh new versions of the now deceased people

-at one point when I tried to set it off

-all who wanted to can end

-they each go to a copy each of my bedroom that lasts forever

-where their old self was is now a new ongoing version of themselves

-the 101 people I most want to completely end

-plus any one really bullied from our planet

-plus the list of names as well I want to completely end

-these people just stop. There is no afterlife for them. And there might be an unthinking double left in their places

-Heaven and Hell remade in to one. Lasting forever

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-several weeks ago I tried to make me the Anti-Christ by juggling the three 'J' letters in my signature -all under the line like ...