Wednesday, July 3, 2024


  -I might have had ongoing affairs with the FRIENDS I had at High School in 1984's wives years later

-Steven Chambers / Anthony Hayes. The two best friends I had at High School

-Brent Legatt / Stephen Richardson. Close to each other lived at close Streets

-Kerry Lockheart / David Eaton. Close to each other. Lived close to each other

-as in RICHIE / RICH and FLYING Saucer

-in 1980 I had a friend over RICHARD CLARK



-I peed in my grandfather George Ager's cup he kept his Dentures in

-there were a lot of Blow Jobs in our affairs. My penis went in like going in to the cup


-RICHIE / RICH. Over years one version of me CROSSED over to a PARALLEL SIDE of me

-I had ongoing affairs with their wives. Fathering all their children

-crossing over to some other place. So me and their wives have no memory of the affairs here

-in about 1978 twice my grandparents took me to the next town Mount Maunganui

-each time I saw something paranormal

-the first time a large RV home sized Flying Saucer on a vacant section

-the second time at a family we only ever saw that time and the only time we were at that home. A Richie Rich comic with a few hundred pages to it. There was never any Richie Rich comic with that many pages

-at a family's home and family we only saw that time

-the FICTION / RICHIE / CHRISTIANITY comic with a few hundred pages. There was never that comic. No truth in the Bible


-TESTAMENTS / my TESTE went in to the cup 

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-several weeks ago I tried to make me the Anti-Christ by juggling the three 'J' letters in my signature -all under the line like ...