Thursday, July 4, 2024

And End

-today I took a shot at

-making me, or taking the power of

-the Anti-Christ, Second Beast, False Prophet, Destroyer, Magog and Gog

-I tried to do this by

-getting pregnant one by one with three men I remember from High School

-I have sex one at a time

-the baby grows to full term in me

-there is a long painful childbirth for each one

-like when I was young I thought I read the mother of the Anti-Christ has a long painful childbirth

-I am in a small room the whole time. So I might be in there for 3 times periods of 9 months

-in 1981 my grandparents took me to New Zealand's biggest city Auckland. We stayed at the RAILTON / REVELATIONS Hotel at the top of the main downtown Street. The Hotel was later taken over by the Salvation Army

-at maybe a column shaped newsstand / secondhand store just along from the Hotel. I bought ALL STAR Squadron 5. Introducing FIRE-BRAND's sister replacing him. Like I try to take these or be these. Although I think the comic company based parts on me

-I stayed in my own Hotel room for the first time. It was very small and basic. Like what I thought I read where the Whore of Babylon gives birth

-as part of this I use a maybe New Zealand made for TV film I watched all of it with others that doesn't make sense. Young unwed mothers to be in the 1960s sent to an Institution 

-the girl FLEUR as in my miracle providing garden. Is shown to a small room by a Nurse. She says the Doctor is away. You will have to give birth by yourself. There is just a table there. I have to press the baby out by myself. The most of all 27 months I am there. The only others briefly are each male. And when each baby is taken from me. I don't raise them

-about 2010 twice I had loaves of paranormal bread. This might have set it up. The first time across the surface of a slice a saucer shaped dip. The second time on a loave that had been left too long but not very long. It was growing hairs

-growing HEIRS. And my sex might have been altered to be like a male with on the outside breasts and a vagina

-Anthony Hay- maybe meant to be in a line of comics like Archie at University. Looks like 1970s comic drawn Billy Batson

-Anthony Hayes- my best friend at High School

-Anthony Hay- a student I think I imagined. I somehow thought he looked like the first Anthony Hay but was the right height, not attractive and in a Middle Stream

-three times ANTI. As in 666

-three times at Tauranga's Historic Village I met men like Jesus Christ

-Anthony Hay- tallish, black hair, attractive. The first time I was leaving and fumbled my bike lock chain and said Christ softly. Anti-Christ. A man looking like Jesus Christ was coming in. He was tall, long brown hair and beard and a face like him. He said You have dropped your hat. Like a Star Wars story I wrote. A band practicing in a home. One takes a hat and holds it in front of the main character's groin and says ALL GONE. In those three stories he is forced to have his sex changed to like above

-Martin Downey- looks like Andy in Friday the 13th Part 3 3-D and the actor in the Rod Stewart video Young Turks. I was just entering the RECORD ROUNDABOUT. I had gone down there because I heard they were there now and sold comics. The man looking like Jesus was there again. I said Hello. He replied BUD. I suddenly felt the most HEATED and DRAINED / DOWNEY I have ever felt inside. MARTIN / MESSIAH ANTI

-Noko- the right height, Polynesian, largish muscles. Built up his muscles to large maybe only going to a Gym with Turning Point a hour twice a week for a brief time. In a Cafe at the Historic Village that same day was my Flat Mate JESSE WATKINS in the Whipped Baker. JESSE WATKINS / JESUS of REVELATIONS. The nicest person I have known. Like the first two each deal with loss of manhood. I tried to put him in a safe copy of my home and make what had been him really an unthinking but life like machine. The WHIPPED BAKER / ANTI and HELL

-like each time I met people like Jesus Christ. That might set me up to be these people from Revelations

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