Friday, June 14, 2024

History of the Universe Part 1 and 2

-about 2010 twice someone got in to my bedroom and left objects. The first time in a drawer I kept strange things I found. A black button with reflecting grooves like )))) ((((. The second time when I got up in the morning there were two different looking 1 inch silver rods on my bedspread. Someone probably local left them there. But there is a good chance someone else set them up to plant them

-on the black button reflecting grooves like-

-  ))))  (((

-for the original 'space' and the one that replaced the original one when it was destroyed

-the first space created- When I found a Tin of BISCUITS in a cupboard the day we first moved in to our new home at James COOK Street. The biscuits shaped like the grooves. Captain James COOK he first charted New Zealand. And the three Universes originally. Created by in 2000 I went on a trip to the USA. In one night in Washington 'D' 'C' / ))))  ((( I got lost at each of three Memorials. Like walking through a Warp to each Universe as I created them. The ))) ((((. Like about 1980 I had a thought for a moment I could come up with a list of adventures and events in the future of my life. Trying to make them real. And so then created everything around me, the paranormal events I would have etc

-the grooves. Like causing it to be destroyed. 'D' 'C' Comics Head Jenette Kahn. Her haircut once like (      ). And the Toasted Sandwich Maker. Cooking SPAGHETTI and Cheese. The WORM on the side of the appliance also caused it. And that night I ordered the book Showcase Presents ECLIPSO. And the black button with grooves like an Eclipse. I might have done the Monitor that moment. Like the grooves I go around and around the Earth, then the Death Star and then through passages in it

-the two different looking one inch silver rods I found on my bedspread when I got up. 'I rule all nations with an IRON ROD'. One rod for my rules all through the history of the first Universe. The other rod for my rules in the replacement space

-the idea of Christianity created by me revolving in circles twice. In a box at an Amusement Park and in a dream where I was lying flat on my back on my bed


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